Increase Your Drumming Skills By Learning From An Unlikely Profession...

So how can you become the best drummer ever?

The answer seems pretty obvious and you’re probably thinking, “aww crap, it’s going to take a lot of practice.”

It’s also going to take a lot of sacrifice, because in order to practice a lot, you have to sacrifice a lot of your time.

Time that could be spent watching Netflix, going on trips, playing video games or even sleeping.

But to reach your goal, what would be a better investment of your time? Chilling on the couch or shedding rudiments on the pad?

You see, in order to get good at anything, you have to think like an investor.

Financial investors invest a lot of money into something that can possibly more money down the road. I’m talking about money that could be spent TODAY to get some cool stuff…cars, clothes, gadgets…whatever.

If the investor makes a good investment, in the future, that investor will have enough cash to buy 10 cars, tuxedos for every day of the month and have a household maintained by robots.

So as a drummer, you can invest time into practicing that might not even pay off in the short term. Actually, you might only see incremental gains in your skills.

But over time, if you keep investing your time, in a few years, you could very possibly be the best drummer ever….at least the best you could possibly even imagine.

So how else can you invest as a drummer?

You can invest actual currency by paying for LESSONS and buying books.

You could also invest currency towards tour fees so you can marching drum corps and gain valuable experience.

The point is, to get good at drums, you sometimes have to think outside of the box and you can look towards financial investors to teach you how to become a successful drummer!

What do you think? How much time do you invest into making yourself the best drummer you can possibly be?

For further perspective, make sure you watch the video below:

Karl Arrieta