Check out the latest and greatest from me to you!



The NEWEST training resource for new, current and experienced Quad/Tenor drummers, cleanly packaged as a downloadable PDF filled with video demonstrations, music notations and detailed (yet concise) descriptions.  Great for non Quad playing Drum Instructors and Band Directors.


The Drumline Blueprint

The FIRST EVER Online video course teaching basic Drumline fundamentals from the ground up! Pause, rewind and re-watch lessons taught by @karldrumtech and @hueiyuanpan over and over again until you achieve Drumline mastery! 


LIVE/online lessons

One-on-one private lessons are the best way for you to maximize your learning potential .  Work directly with @karldrumtech and receive his full attention while he formulizes a plan of attack to identify and eliminate your drumming weaknesses.  Space IS LIMITED, so book a session today!


Stick Control shirt

Stick control is one of the most underutilized percussion exercises.  Show the entire drumming community that you practice stick control and encourage others to do the same!