Don't Be Ashamed When You Suck At Drums!

***2 minute read***

It sounds crazy to think that sucking at something is cause for celebration. But it's all about perspectives right? For me as an instructor, I'm always looking for imperfections in how a Student drums, and when I find one, I celebrate!


Because it means we've identified a problem, the student is now going to work out that issue and is going to get better as a result of that process!

Think of it as forging a sword; Swordsmakers pound away at hot steel to make a thin and sharp blade by flattening out all the bumps, curves, and imperfections.

So in a sense, as a student of drumming, imagine yourself becoming the sharpest blade in drumming, capable of easily executing some phat flams and sweet rolls (lol)! But the only way that's going to happen is if you discover imperfections, practice to work it out, and then from there, reap the benefits of your improvements!

What do you think? Do you become ashamed anytime you find something you need to work on or do you celebrate knowing that your weakness will be a weakness no more?

For additional perspective, make sure to watch the video below:

Karl Arrieta